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In the life sciences, action taken to protect and preserve the natural world, usually from pollution,overexploitation, and other harmful features of human activity. The late1980s saw a great increase in public concern for the environment, with membership of conservation groups,such as Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, and the US Sierra Club,rising sharply. Globally the most important issues include the depletion of atmospheric ozone by the action of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (thought to contribute to an intensification of the greenhouse effect), and deforestation.Conservation groups in Britain originated in the 1860s; they include the Commons Preservation Society 1865, which fought successfully against the enclosure of Hampstead Heath (1865) and Epping Forest(1866) in London; the National Footpaths Preservation Society 1844 ; and the National Trust 1895. In the UK the conservation debate has centred on water quality, road-building schemes, the safety of nuclear power, and the ethical treatment of animals.

Twelve coastal sites in Great Britain,including five Special Areas of Conservation, have been designated by the European Commission to be part of a network of Natura 2000 sites. The EC will provide funds to help preserve these sites from development,overfishing, and pollution, and to monitor rare plants.They include the North Northumber land Coast, with its sea caves, its breeding population of grey seals in the Farne Islands,and Arctic species such as the wolf fish; the Wash and North Norfolk Coast, with its population of common seals,waders, and wildfowl, and its extensive salt marshes; and Plymouth Sound and estuaries, with their submerged sandbanks.

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