knows his measurements and monitoring to the planets and the stars. He collection
Watchers and observations of many astronomers who preceded him, He was defying
an old idea two thousand years old Summed up that the Earth is static revolve
around the sun, planets and stars, His ideas represented the beginning of our
current understanding of modern astronomy.
was the first scientific observation adopted to build a scientific theory while
his predecessors had relied thought and logic to build their theories, We
deduce that Copernicus was the first of the foundations of modern
astronomy andThe principles of modern scientific methods.

About the discovery of Copernicus
after graduating from the University of Bologna in Italy in 1499, Copernicus
appointed as a priest and determination to return to his native Poland to work
with his uncle Bishop Waczenrode In Fruenberg Cathedral, He lived
upstairs So that he can continue to astronomical measurements.
were still believe in the universal model presented by Ptolemy before more than
1,500 years, Which supposed that the earth static center of the universe,
around the sun and planets By large orbits while the distant stars perched on
large cover spherical. But the exact measurements of planetary motion Ptolemy's
model did not match.
astronomers forced to modulating Ptolemy's model by adding other rings within
the original episodes –or epi-circles -Claimed that each planet moves on the
orbit of a small annular, rolling around the big astronomical Episode of that
planet orbited Earth. Century after century, Accumulated new problems even in
modified form of Ptolemy, Where scientists continued in Adding the universe
rotational one after the other, It became the planets move on The orbits
rotatory within Other orbits rotatory.

determination that he must use the Modern technological developments that
appeared in the sixteenth century hoping that improves the measurements of
Ptolemy and therefore he will delete some of orbits' revolving interlaced, Which
made him measures the positions of the planets Diligence and perseverance every
night for nearly twenty years. But his remarks tables did not help him.
the years, Copernicus began to think how the movement of the planet look if it
has monitored from another moving planet. And when he noticed the new measurements
were more accurate in anticipate the real movements of the planets, As he began
to think beyond that " How the movement of the planets seem as if the
Earth moved this time?" did not go long even broad logic in this
planet appeared in Varying distances from the earth varying times of the year. Copernicus
realized that the earth cannot be located in the center of the circular orbits
of the planets.
the twenty years of follow-up and monitoring it became clear to him the sun is
the only one that did not vary in size virtual over the year, this shows
evidence of the distance between the sun and earth. While the Earth should not
be in the center Sun deserves to be the center of the universe. Copernicus
believed in this idea, and he began to re-measurements taking the sun center of
the universe and the earth in orbit around it.
the biggest challenge remains: Are will believe the new cosmological model? Catholic
Church disagree the findings of Copernicus this is what made Copernicus
maintains the confidentiality of his research Fear of punishment Church, even it
disclosure of his discovery in 1543. Mocked the Church of discovery Besides
astronomers and academia. World's patience sixty years to know the Right of
the discovery of Copernicus By Johannes Kepler and then Galileo Galilei.

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