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Why You Should be Careful about Consuming Sachet Water-Ugonma

Ugonma A Medical Microbiologist and a Lecturer by Profession from NIGERIA  had a study about Sachet Waterr issue in her country.
Water is very important and essential for the survival of both humans and micro-organisms. It is a transparent, odourless and tasteless liquid that is important for the circulation and movement of essential nutrients, it’s also an important molecule that helps to flush out pathogens and waste and also aids digestion. As higher animals we need water for both domestic functions and also in maintaining the human cell; for the unicellular organisms, water is necessary for their activity as either beneficial or detrimental organisms.
Until now it was a regular habit for me to buy any available Packaged sachetwater(Popularly called Pure water in Nigeria where I reside) whenever I am thirsty, of course, I was always satisfied and saw nothing wrong doing this, even as a Microbiologist. For those who are not Nigerians, packaged 500ml sachet water commonly called “Pure water” is sold for 10 or 20 Naira depending on your location and it is usually purchased by people of the lower class or when water packaged in pet container is not readily available, however for some it is a cheaper alternative to water packaged in pet container otherwise known as bottled water that sells from 50 to 80 Naira per bottle. Please be careful oh as this cheaper pure water can expose you to typhoid, diarrhoea, cholera, hepatitis, and carcinogenic agents especially when the polythene bag used to package the water is being stored in an unclean condition, exposed to sunlight, or is of very low quality.

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