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Gene Cernan - last man to walk on moon

Gene Cernan - god speed gene cernan.
retired nasa astronaut eugene cernan  the last man to walk the moon  has died at the age of 82.
"eugene cernan": the last man to walk on the moon as skipper of apollo 17 in december 1972  has died at the age of 82 surrounded by his family...
un ultimo addio a gene cernan  ultimo ad aver messo piede sulla luna  ricordando la sua straordinaria carriera.

nasa reflects on legacy of gene cernan, last man to walk on moon.

addio a eugene cernan  l'ultimo uomo a mettere piede sulla luna.

experience nasa astronaut gene cernan's last walk on the moon in 360 degrees.

the last human being to have walked on the moon has past on gene cernan and now he is on new missions.

gene cernan  apollo astronaut and the last man to walk on the moon  has passed from our sphere  and we mourn his loss.  the last man on the moon is a recent film about astronaut eugene cernans life  produced by u.

the family of eugene "gene" cernan said he had ongoing health issues  but his cause of death was not immediately known.

 cernan became the last man to walk on the moon while serving as commander of nasa's apollo 17 mission.
gene cernan and his daughter reflect on their lives while he was an astronaut.
cernan fue el comandante del apolo 17 en diciembre de 1972  la última misión lunar y uno de los vuelos finales del apolo..

17 - ricordando gene cernan, ultimo uomo sulla luna.

addio a gene cernan: l'ultimo uomo sulla luna se ne va a 82 anni.

 eugene andrew "gene" cernan passed away on january 16  2017 an american hero...

former nasa astronaut eugene cernan  the last man to walk on the moon  died monday  jan. 

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